ISO 22000 Certification

ISO 22000 Certification (Food Safety management systems)
What is ISO 22000 Certification (Food Safety management systems)?
ISO 22000 Certification is a Inter-National recognized ISO standard for implementing food safety management systems (FSMS) in an organization. ISO 22000 was introduced in 2015 and is applicable to all type of organizations that are involved in the food chain starting from farm, up until the food on your table. It aims at delivering foods that are safe for consumption. ISO 22000 Certification support the organizations in reducing food hazards, controlling risks and preventing any type of contamination.
Who Requirements of ISO 22000 Certification?
If you are a grower, transporter, packager, processor, retailer, bottler or restauranter, you are eligible for ISO 22000 Certification. It means, ISO 22000 Certification can be applied to any business, irrespective of its size, that is a part of food supply chain.
What topics do ISO 22000 Certification cover?
ISO 22000 Certification enables an organization to showcase its efforts in delivering safe food. ISO 22000 Certification underlines all the processes that should be implemented to prevent the risk of food-related incidences. It is designed to ensure fair competition and effective communication within and among the organizations that are involved in the food business.
What are the advantages of ISO 22000 Certification?
ISO 22000 Certification is beneficial for all those organizations that are looking for a standardized and internationally recognized food management systems. Apart from ensuring food safety, ISO makes you compliant with the legislations related to food safety. It provides a framework for continual improvement of your management system which in turn, helps you in meeting the rapidly changing demands of the consumers. Let us have a look at some of the advantages of ISO 22000 Certification:
Globally-accepted standard for controlling food safety hazards.
It can be applied to all kinds of organizations in the food chain, making it truly flexible.
The common high-level structure with ISO 9001 Certification makes it integrable with the quality management systems in an organization.
It provides a framework for an effective communication with the suppliers and consumers. It also enables continual improvement of the food safety management system.
It acts as an official evidence of the organization’s commitment to food safety.
Process for ISO 22000 Certification (FSMS)-
Once you have implemented the ISO 22000 Standard in your organization, it becomes necessary for you to get yourself audited in order to achieve the ISO 22000 Certification. When you choose SIS Certifications to perform the audits, you will be required to first fill up the application form. Once you have reviewed all the requirements of the certification, you may plan your audits accordingly.
There are some mandatory steps to obtain ISO Certification. Once the formality of documentation has been taken care of, following steps should be followed to acquire the certification:
Internal Audit- this is done to verify the data provided by you in the form.
Management Audit- the administration of your organization conducts a survey to understand the practical realities.
Corrective activities- After the internal and management audits, you are required to analyses and close the gaps that are observed. Make sure to archive information about the actions that were taken to fill those gaps.
The process of obtaining ISO 22000 certification comprises of two stages:
Stage one (documentation survey) – the reviewers from the certification body of your choice will thoroughly verify if the documentation meets prerequisites of ISO–22000–certification.
Stage two (Primary audit) – Here, the consistency between your documentation and the
requirements of ISO 22000 certification are verified. This is done by thorough investigation of reports, records and company practices.
It must be noted that the International Organization for Standardization does not certify, it just publishes the ISO standards. An external body performs the certification. SIS Certifications is one such body which has a reputation for being one of the best in the world. Our vast pool of auditors is recognized for their expertise in comprehensively auditing the compliance of your management systems against the required standards and awarding you with the certifications at the end. The smoothness in the process, our integrity, and our commitment to deadlines make us stand apart from other certification bodies.
Need support
We at DASH Certifications look forward to support you in all the possible ways. We are always happy to support you, Starting from the Guidance to understand and choose the relevant standard for your organization till getting certified. Our world class experts and our executive sales team would love to contact you anytime.
Get trained
Management system standards such as ISO 22000 is one of the Standard which is also know as the mother of all standards needs to be understood. We at SIS Certifications are well equipped with the experts and trainers who can train you and get you to another level of understanding of the requirements of the standard.
There are various types of ISO 22000 training which you can undergo based on your requirement of level of understanding and need of the standard.
The training can be categorized in to Awareness training, Internal auditor training, lead auditor training and Implementation training.
Know about ISO 22000 standards
What is ISO 22000 Certification (FSMS)?
ISO 22000:2018 Certification is an international standard for food safety management system. ISO 22000 Certification is applicable to all the businesses that are involved in the food chain and it helps in harmonizing the management practices on a global scale.
ISO 22000:2018 Certification takes into consideration, the core elements of ISO 9001 and HACCP to provide an effective framework for building, implementing, and monitoring of the documented food safety management systems (FSMS). The framework uses the context of the organization to enable the continual improvement of the management system.
ISO 22000 Certification is a tool that helps the organization in implementing more focused and effective management system than as required by the law. It also helps the organizations in meeting the regulatory requirements incorporating the legal criteria into the food safety system.
Is ISO 22000 Certification best for my Organization?
ISO 22000 certification is applicable to any organization involved in the food chain, starting from farm up until the plate on your table. It is applicable to the businesses regardless of their size, and it involves the primary producers, food manufacturer, storage and transport operators, and retailers.
The standard is also applicable to inter-related organizations such as producers of equipment, packaging material, cleaning agents, additives and ingredients. The service providers can also apply for this standard.
In short, ISO 22000 is applicable to all those businesses that revolves around the production and supply of food.
Why do you need ISO 22000 Certification?
The recent version of ISO 22000 certification was published in 2018, hence, it is termed as ISO 22000:2018. This certification helps the organization to ensure their customers about the safety of food that they deliver. It is an excellent framework for implementing the food safety management systems (FSMS) in an organization. All the organizations that are part of the food chain were required to transition into the new version in a period of three years starting from 2018. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this deadline has been further extended.
Since the original standard was published, there has been immense changes in the way the food is grown, transported, manufactured or even consumed. The revised version considers these changes and its design is aimed at reducing any hazard to the food safety.
The new version includes the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle and risk-based thinking in its framework. The common High-Level Structure also helps in better integration with the other standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certification. Since ISO 22000 also includes the principals of HACCP, it provides a better way for the organizations to identify and mitigate the risks related to the food safety.
What are the benefits of ISO 22000 Certification?
For improvement of the performance of food safety management systems and minimization of any risk, ISO 22000 Certification is really helpful for the organizations. This standard provides a systematic approach for addressing the issues related to food safety. There are various benefits of applying the ISO 22000 Certification in the management systems:
ISO 22000 helps in applying the internationally recognized processes and practices in your business.
ISO 22000 certification helps in building confidence among your suppliers and stakeholders regarding your ability for hazard controls so that the disruption in supply chain can be avoided.
It brings transparency regarding the roles and responsibilities as well as accountability of the system.
In order to maintain the effectiveness of the system, it ensures continual improvement.
ISO 22000 includes the requirements of FSSC 22000, which is recognized by the global food safety initiative (GFSI) scheme.
The High-Level structure (HLS) of ISO 22000 is similar to that of ISO 9001 Certification. It includes 10 clauses which are required by all the ISO management systems. This ensures the parity in look and feel of the management systems, and enables better integration among different systems. The first three clauses are introductory in nature, whereas the last seven clauses contain the requirements of quality management systems, against which the organizations are certified. These seven clauses are related to the following subjects:
Clause 4: Context of the organization
Clause 5: Leadership
Clause 6: Planning
Clause 7: Support
Clause 8: Operation
Clause 9: Performance evaluation
Clause 10: Improvement
WHAT IS THE PROCESS TO GET ISO 22000 certification?
Once you have implemented the FSMS in your organization, it becomes necessary for you to get yourself audited in order to achieve the ISO 22000 certification. When you choose an external certification body to perform the audits, you need to first fill up the application form. Once you have reviewed all the requirements of the certification, you may plan your audits accordingly.
There are some mandatory steps to obtain ISO 22000:2018 certification. Once the formality of documentation has been taken care of, following steps should be followed to acquire the certification:
Internal Audit– this is done to verify the data provided by you in the form.
Management Audit– the administration of your organization conducts a survey to understand the practical realities.
Corrective activities– After the internal and management audits, you are required to analyze and close the gaps that are observed. Make sure to archive information about the actions that were taken to fill those gaps.
The process of obtaining ISO 22000 certification comprises of two stages:
Stage one (documentation survey) – the reviewers from the certification body of your choice will thoroughly verify if the documentation meets prerequisites of ISO 22000 certification.
Stage two (Primary audit) – Here the consistency between your documentation and the
requirements of ISO 22000 certification. This is done by thorough investigation of reports,
records and company practices.
What is cost of ISO 22000 Certification?
There is no one-size-fits-all strategy to determine the cost of ISO 22000 certification. The cost varies due to several factors, such as the type of business sector, your annual turnover, the number of employees, and so on. It also varies according to your specific industry accreditation requirements, for example, from IAS, IOAS or IAF.
However, with DASH Certifications, you can be ensured about the value for your money, as we strive to deliver a smooth certification experience that meets the set deadlines. By focusing more on building risk management system and less on complex paper-work, we aspire to save you from unnecessary hassles.
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