ISO 18001
OHSAS 18001 Certification | Safety Management SystemOHSAS 18001:2007
Most of the leading companies in the world adopt OHSAS 18001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. It is very essential to maintain their Health and Safety Management principles and also to upkeep reputation in the global scene. Companies with the above systems have the necessary marketing edge and its helps them to stay in front when it comes to Employee Protection.
Your company's firm commitment to protect the health and safety of your employees is a distinguishing factor in a competitive market. A certified Occupational Health and Safety Management System demonstrate your determination to safeguard your employees and the environment from harmful incidents.
An OHSAS 18001 Cerification Standard Implementation proves that your management system has been measured against a best practice standard and found compliant.
OHSAS 18001 Certification - Benefits
Boosts your image
Commitment to protection of employees and safeguard property
Compliance to Health and Safety Legislations
Improve efficiency and consequently reduce Loss time
Improving cost control through reduced Incidents
Reduce Insurance premiums
Improve safety culture
Improve Image with Authorities
Improve Employee ethics
Improve awareness in the society
OHSAS 18001 Certification
OHSAS 18001 Certification (Health & Safety Management System) from Gabriel Registrar
A system for Health & Safety
Reduces risk of accidents, claims, costs and business interruptions
Proven to help win and retain business
Gabriel Registrar is a leading ISO Certification Body and the number one choice for OHSAS 18001 Certification in many countries around the globe. Since its inception, Gabriel Registrar (ISO Certification Body) have provided its clients with an award-winning service based on confidence and trust.
Our accreditation is a key part of the confidence we can guarantee our clients. Our accredited OHSAS 18001 certificates all come with the Government-backed certification and internationally recognised accreditation institutions.
OHSAS 18001 Certification Process
OHSAS 18001 Certification Process
We certify thousands of companies to OHSAS 18001 on an annual basis. The process is very easy to follow, and can be broken down into four basic steps.
OHSAS 18001 Certification Cost
OHSAS 18001 Certification Cost
The cost of your OHSAS 18001 certification will be quoted on a fixed fee basis, reducing your worry about additional costs.
The cost of certification is ultimately determined by factors such as the organisation's total size, the sector it's in, and the number of locations they operate from. Regardless of your size, we always provide a fixed fee with no hidden costs to worry about. To make budgeting for OHSAS 18001 Certification requirements please provide your details HERE so we can support you in providing you a cost effective quotation.
Reasons to get OHSAS 18001 certified
Increase government contract opportunities
Improvements after near misses
Get employees involved
Improve profits
Get an external check
Improved operational efficiency
It reduces re-work
It increases profit margins
It can increase employee motivation and participation
Managing health and safety
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