Metallurgical Services
Our metallurgy Lab specialists offer complex onsite and laboratory based metallurgical analysis & failure Investigations according to customer needs.
We are specialized in Micro analysis, Replica Metallurgy, Fractography, Ferrite count, SEM , EDX , Corrosion study ,Case study, Investigation , Metallurgical consultation . The clients benefit expert evaluation and opinion of fracture, creep, fatigue, wear, deformation, contamination (trace analysis), corrosion control, materials..etc..
We offer detailed Metallurgical Testing & failure investigation, which will help to find out root cause in metallurgical point view.
Ferrite testing by point count .
ASTM grain size number .
Weld characteristics .
Depth penetration .
Fusion – zone size and number of passes .
Heat affected zone .
Grain Size .
Identification of ferrite and Sigma Phases .
Case Depth and Plating Thickness measurement .
De-carburisation .
Nitride Case Depth .
Heat Treatment Evaluation .
Nodularity/ Nodule Count .
Area Fraction .
Linear Measurement .
Grain Flow .
Surface Condition .
Residual stress measurement .