Occupational Health Risk Assessment (OHRA)

Occupational Health Risk Assessment (OHRA)

Occupational Risk Assessment (OHRA) is a process to estimate health risks from exposure to different levels of a workplace hazard. Comprehending how much exposure to a potential threat poses health risks to employees is vital in eliminating, controlling, and reducing those risks.

At Velosi, we have a panel of expert occupational health and hygiene specialists with hands-on experience in providing practical assistance and guidance on occupational health risk assessment. We offer exceptional Occupational Health Risk Assessment services to an extensive range of industries in the region by identifying and evaluating potential risks, and by designing cost-effective management strategies that meet the highest industry standards.

Benefits of OHRA:
Enhances productivity.
Reduces healthcare costs in the workplace.
Lesser injuries leading to lesser costs.
Increases public image.
OHRA Deliverables:
Occupational Hazard Identi?cation (OHID)
Workshop and Study
OHRA Study
Noise Survey and Assessment
Biological Agent Assessment
Occupational Risk Assessment encompasses:
Emergency Management and Planning (EMP)
Qualitative OHRA
Quantitative OHRA
Workplace Exposure Monitoring
Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Plan
Emergency Management and Planning (EMP)
Velosi provides unparalleled Emergency Management and Planning (EMP) services to an increasingly diverse customer base in order to tackle all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, including preparedness, response, mitigation and recovery.

The main objective of EMP services is to reduce the harmful effects of all hazards, including major disasters and critical incident scenarios.

Qualitative Occupational Health Risk Assessment
A Qualitative Occupational Health Risk Assessment is a process which involves the evaluation of all the potential health hazards in the workplace. The evaluation method comprises inspection of the workplace and interviews with different workers' groups to make sure that all potential health hazards are properly analyzed. The assessment of potential worker exposure is based on the information gathered during the assessment.

At Velosi, our skilled risk assessment professionals conduct Qualitative Occupational Health Risk Assessment through an indirect and direct risk assessment of exposures. An indirect qualitative assessment is usually made either during a walk-through survey for identifying the potential health hazards. While a direct risk assessment is performed when doubts arise about compliance with recognized exposure limits; excessive exposure could involve severe health effects, or when justification is required to implement control measures.

Quantitative Occupational Health Risk Assessment
A Quantitative Occupational Health Risk Assessment is a process where the nature and extent of contact to specific hazardous agents are determined by a well-defined method and particular means. The method requires to use suitable laboratories to analyze samples and generate reports to take corrective actions in order to control the risk.

At Velosi, our expert Occupational Health Risk Assessment team conducts quantitative risk assessments utilizing sampling and analytical techniques for quantifying the exposure concentration of the hazardous agents to which the workers are potentially exposed. During this process, the obtained data is also used to determine the likelihood of risk to health hazards at an organization.

Workplace Exposure Monitoring
Workplace Exposure Monitoring is a process to determine the levels of substances in the workplace to ensure the workplace exposure limits value is not exceeded for the substances used at that particular workplace.

Velosi offers exceptional Workplace Exposure Monitoring services that enclose observing processes, asking relevant questions and overseeing the use of sampling equipment fitted to the workers throughout their working shift. Then, we provide a detailed report on work practices and findings along with recommendations for remedial action.

Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Plan
Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Plan, also called Exposure Monitoring Plan, is a method of assessing and documenting employee potential exposures to chemical, biological and physical hazards. It enables safety professionals to scientifically quantify worker exposures at the workplace, and develop corrective measures to control health hazards by reducing or eliminating the exposure.

Velosi's occupational health risk assessment experts can quantify the exposures, utilizing all of our engineering as well as administrative controls, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on the actual exposure levels, to control and eliminate the hazards and to prevent injuries and illnesses.

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