Entrepreneurial character by nature with 20+ years of management experience in various capacities within Executive and General Management.
Well versed in developing and transforming strategic plans into concrete objectives and marching orders for the organization on a daily basis. Inspiring and efficient management approach based on human energy and motivation. Achieving sustainable success by encouraging self-initiative individuals & teams with a supportive yet challenging leadership.
Core competences in Strategic Planning and Business Development based on in-depth product & market understanding, Marketing & Sales, Human Resources, TQM & Change Management,
Corporate Legal Affairs and Finance.
Combining technical and commercial background with field experience across some of today's most important key business areas including Oil & Gas Industry, Banking & Financial Industry, Marine Industry, Heavy Industry/Steel Fabrication, Real Estate Development and IT Sector.
Well established network of int’l and cross-industry business partners.
Proven Track Record in setting-up as well as restructuring businesses towards profitability and sustainable growth. Successful entrepreneurship of rannacher.com - Group of Competence Holding, a group of companies successfully funded and developed up to international expansion and partly trade sale.
CREDO: Excellence in Mastering Challenges with a Hedonistic Joy for Success!