Certificate in Advanced Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) - Virtual Learning

Course Objectives

Certificate in Advanced Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) - Virtual Learning

Course Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

Advise on developing a board structure that includes executives, non-executives and independent members with varied experience
Assist in formulating committees and establishing committee requirements
Promote the proposal of policies for the company that need board approval
Support the creation of a successful risk management function based on COSO and ISO recommendations
Contribute to establishing a better compliance in the organization by utilizing ISO requirements
Target Audience
Board members, chief financial officers, senior management, directors, finance managers, financial controllers, accounting and finance personnel, legal counsel, corporate legal advisors, corporate secretaries, lawyers, external and internal auditors, HR managers, employees in GRC departments and department heads.

Target Competencies
Advising on the GRC system
Advising on the structure of the board of directors
Establishing board committees
Advancing board policies
Improving risk management functions
Expanding compliance functions

Course Outline

The board of directorsShareholders' rights and dutiesStakeholders definitionDirectors' dutiesRisks of governance failuresThe efficient boardCMA definitions on board membershipCMA on non-independence of board members
Board committeesEthics and CSR committeeNomination committeeRemuneration committeeGovernance committeeRisk and compliance committeeExecutive committeeAudit committeeInvestment committee
Policies approved by the boardAnti-discriminationAnti-harassment and anti-bullyingAnti-fraud and anti-corruptionConflict of interestNomination, succession planning and remuneration policyRisk management and compliance policyFinancial reporting and audit policyInvestments and asset management policy
Risk managementRisk management definitionsRisk management processISO 31000 risk management principles, framework and processISO 31000 risk management processCOSO ERM processRisk response = 4 TsControl activitiesInternal audit role in assessing risk managementIIA definitionsIIA guidanceIIA standard 2120Internal audit assessment of risk managementInternal audit engagement approachRisk management categories
Compliance success factorsDefinition of complianceISO 19600 compliance managementImplementing compliance programCauses of compliance program failingResults of compliance failures

Per participant


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