Course Objectives
Intellectual Property Rights - Virtual Learning
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Identify intellectual property and its importance
- Enumerate various IP rights
- Protect employees and organizations from any IP rights abuse
Target Audience
Legal and paralegal managers, public officials, governmental professionals, department heads, team leaders, supervisors, and anyone who wishes to gain knowledge of intellectual property.
Target Competencies
- Intellectual property
- Legal procedure
- Patents procedure
- Rights protection
Course Outline
Intellectual property
- Why intellectual property rights are important?
- Intellectual property: individuals and organizations’ rights
- Intellectual property rights:
- Copyrights
- What is covered by copyright?
- Copyright according to the Berne convention
- What are the types of rights protected by copyright?
- Right of reproduction
- Rights of public performance, broadcasting, communication to the public and making available
- Rights of translation and adaptation
- Acquisition of copyright
- Transfer of copyright
- Protection, limitations, and exceptions to rights
- Related rights
- What are related rights?
- Beneficiaries of related rights
- International treaties and conventions concerning related rights
- Rome convention and TRIPS
- Beijing treaty on audiovisual performances
- Term of protection
- Enforcement
- Trademarks
- Trademarks overview
- Development of trademarks
- Examples of trademarks
- Signs that cannot be used as trademarks
- Characteristics of a trademark
- Assessment and protection of a trademark
- Collective and certification marks
- Well-known marks
- Use of trademarks
- Regional trademark registration systems
- Trademarks and the internet
- Trademarks in the virtual world: the challenge
- Other IP rights
- Geographical indications
- Industrial design
- Patents:
- Criteria for patent protection, inclusions, and exclusions
- Obtaining a patent
- Key highlights of obtaining a patent
- Unfair competition
- Copyrights