Mergers and Acquisitions

Course Objectives

Mergers and Acquisitions

Course Methodology

In this interactive training course participants will frequently work in pairs as well as in larger groups to complete exercises, and regional and international case studies.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
  • Identify attractive Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) opportunities
  • Formulate the initial steps and the preliminary agreements for a merger or acquisition
  • Carry out a full due diligence into the state of affairs of a target company
  • Understand the Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) and the Asset Purchase Agreement (APA)
  • Take an active role in the exchange and completion stages of a merger or acquisition
  • Be an effective part of the post-merger integration to ensure the smooth running of the new organization

Target Audience

This course is suitable for anyone involved in the identification, planning and execution of a Mergers and Acquisitions opportunity. This includes, CEOs, managing directors, general managers, financial directors, accountants, board members, commercial directors, business development directors, strategy planners and analysts, and in-house council.

Target Competencies

  • Identifying M&A opportunities
  • Due Diligence
  • Organizing Acquisitions
  • Structuring Negotiations
  • Post-acquisition Integration
  • Post-acquisition Audit


The Dubai Government Legal Affairs Department has introduced a Continuing Legal Professional Development (CLPD) programme to legal consultants authorised to practise through a licensed firm in the Emirate of Dubai.  We are proud to announce that the Dubai Government Legal Affairs Department has accredited EMG Associates as a CLPD provider. In addition, all our legal programmes have been approved.

This PLUS Specialty Training Legal course qualifies for 4 elective CLPD points.


Course Outline

  • Fundamentals of mergers and acquisitions
    • Distinction between mergers and acquisitions
    • Why do acquisitions take place?
      • Diversification
      • Consolidation
    • The main distinct stages of acquisitions
      • Corporate strategy development
      • Organizing for acquisitions
      • Deal structuring and negotiations
      • Post-acquisition integration
      • Post-acquisition audit
  • Structuring the merger or acquisition
    • Drafting preliminary documents
      • Heads of terms – legally binding?
      • Confidentiality agreement
      • Lockout/exclusivity agreements
    • How to structure the acquisition
      • Share sale
      • Business sale
      • Hive down of the business followed by share sale
  • Share sale versus business sale
    • Advantages and disadvantages of share sale: seller versus buyer
      • Transactions
      • Third Party consent
      • Stamp Duty
      • Liabilities
      • Avoiding TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings, Protection of Employment)
      • Warranties
    • Advantages and disadvantages of business sale: seller versus buyer
  • Structuring the deal
    • How to price the acquisition
    • The due diligence process
      • Objectives
      • Structure
      • Scope
    • The purchase agreements
      • Asset Purchase Agreement versus Share Purchase Agreement
  • Post-acquisition
    • Importance of warranties and indemnities
      • Effects of breach
      • How to minimise claims
    • Contractual protection for the seller
    • Disclosure letter
    • Intellectual property and environmental issues
    • Merger control and completion

Per participant

USD 3,700

Fees + VAT as applicable

Tax Registration Number : 100239834300003

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