Mergers and Acquisitions - Virtual Learning

Course Objectives

Mergers and Acquisitions - Virtual Learning

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify attractive Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) opportunities
  • Formulate the initial steps and the preliminary agreements for a merger or acquisition
  • Carry out a full due diligence into the state of affairs of a target company
  • Understand the Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) and the Asset Purchase Agreement (APA)
  • Take an active role in the exchange and completion stages of a merger or acquisition
  • Be an effective part of the post-merger integration to ensure the smooth running of the new organization

Target Audience

This course is suitable for anyone involved in the identification, planning and execution of a Mergers and Acquisitions opportunity. This includes, CEOs, managing directors, general managers, financial directors, accountants, board members, commercial directors, business development directors, strategy planners and analysts, and in-house council.

Target Competencies

  • Identifying M&A opportunities
  • Due Diligence
  • Organizing Acquisitions
  • Structuring Negotiations
  • Post-acquisition Integration
  • Post-acquisition Audit


The Dubai Government Legal Affairs Department has introduced a Continuing Legal Professional Development (CLPD) programme to legal consultants authorised to practise through a licensed firm in the Emirate of Dubai.  We are proud to announce that the Dubai Government Legal Affairs Department has accredited EMG Associates as a CLPD provider. In addition, all our legal programmes have been approved.

This PLUS Specialty Training Legal course qualifies for 4 elective CLPD points.

Course Outline

  • Fundamentals of mergers and acquisitions
    • Distinction between mergers and acquisitions
    • Why do acquisitions take place?
      • Diversification
      • Consolidation
    • The main distinct stages of acquisitions
      • Corporate strategy development
      • Organizing for acquisitions
      • Deal structuring and negotiations
      • Post-acquisition integration
      • Post-acquisition audit
  • Structuring the merger or acquisition
    • Drafting preliminary documents
      • Heads of terms – legally binding?
      • Confidentiality agreement
      • Lockout/exclusivity agreements
    • How to structure the acquisition
      • Share sale
      • Business sale
      • Hive down of the business followed by share sale
  • Share sale versus business sale
    • Advantages and disadvantages of share sale: seller versus buyer
      • Transactions
      • Third Party consent
      • Stamp Duty
      • Liabilities
      • Avoiding TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings, Protection of Employment)
      • Warranties
    • Advantages and disadvantages of business sale: seller versus buyer
  • Structuring the deal
    • How to price the acquisition
    • The due diligence process
      • Objectives
      • Structure
      • Scope
    • The purchase agreements
      • Asset Purchase Agreement versus Share Purchase Agreement
  • Post-acquisition
    • Importance of warranties and indemnities
      • Effects of breach
      • How to minimise claims
    • Contractual protection for the seller
    • Disclosure letter
    • Intellectual property and environmental issues
    • Merger control and completion

Per participant

USD 1,750

Fees + VAT as applicable

Tax Registration Number : 100239834300003

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