Integrated measurement and automation solutions, from the wellhead to final point of sale
We deliver accurate and reliable measurement for the transportation, distribution, and storage of energy products by truck, rail, vessel, aviation and pipeline.
Making measurement smarter
Understand the health of your pipeline assets and optimize the transportation and storage of energy products across the upstream, midstream and downstream value chain for faster and safer product delivery with smart, connected flow measurement. Gather insights to improve decision making and prevent operational risk, through integrated digital automation solutions, remote monitoring and measurement technologies that connect what is happening in the field with your business ERP.
We have the right products and systems to help with any application challenge. Experience the simplicity of dealing with one supplier as we bring together reliable and accurate measurement and control systems, automation and key data insights.
- Expertise
- Measurement Technologies
- System Integration
- Digital Automation
- Remote Support
- Electronics and Presets
- Terminal Solutions
- Metering Technologies
- Truck Meter Packages
- Control Systems
Featured products and solution models
Take a deeper dive into some of our products and solution models.
Product spotlight: Sure-Cut
Sure-Cut delivers precision water cut measurement under challenging process conditions, offering premium low water cut analyzer technology with real time density and temperature compensation features with remote operations capabilities.
Our solutions are complemented by global engineering and application know-how, project management, global service, training and remote support. We offer greater reliability, reduced operational costs and the simplicity of one supplier.
DASHPROJECTS’s Flow Research and Test Center is the only facility in the world that can test meters over the widest dynamic measurement range. It demonstrates product functionality, reliability, accuracy on a full-scale setting, in real time. Our test center guarantees optimum verification of meter performance.
- Accredited to ISO/IEC17025:2017 by NVLVAP (NVLAP Lab Code 200939-0)
- Laboratory Scope of Accreditation
- Traceable to international standards and meets all requirements for OIML
- Maximum Flow capability of 4 to 42,000 bph (0.6 to 6,675 m3/h)
- Viscosity Testing range of 2 to 500 cSt (2 to 500 mm2/s)
- Can test meter sizes from 1 to 30 inches (25 to 750 mm)
- Dynamic testing range of 10 to 1,000,000 Reynolds Number
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