Subsea - Energy Transition, Deep Purple
Offshore energy, powered by green hydrogen
Replacing conventional, CO2-producing energy processes with carbon-free solutions represents a promising growth area in the Energy Transition. Taking these solutions offshore, however, poses many technical and commercial challenges.
To drive upstream decarbonization, we applied our expertise as the world’s leading subsea oil and gas systems provider and worked with clients and key partners to develop Deep Purple™, a system that uses wind energy to extract green hydrogen from seawater.
As a flexible energy carrier that can both store and transport energy on an industrial scale, green hydrogen is one of the many alternative energies powering the energy industry’s transition.
Deep Purple™ uniquely integrates proven technologies to deliver at-scale solutions for offshore green hydrogen production and sustainable renewable energy. The system consists of offshore wind turbines and offshore hydrogen technologies for the production, storage and transportation energy in the form of pressurized green hydrogen. It can also be used to produce, store and deliver hydrogen to consumers at sea or exported in a pipeline to shore.

Elements of the Deep Purple™ system include smart production, storage, re-electrification and distribution of green hydrogen enabled by tailored advisory, controls and safety systems.
How it works
One of the key elements to manage wind and wave intermittency is to combine renewable energy with energy storage, making Deep Purple™ a complete, sustainable offshore energy solution.
When the wind is active, wind turbines produce electricity that is delivered directly to the consumer. During periods of excess available power, water is spilt into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis. Fresh water for the electrolysis process is produced from seawater using reverse osmosis. The hydrogen is transported to the seabed, where it is stored under pressure in dedicated tanks. During periods of low or no wind, fuel cells will convert the stored energy back into electricity to satisfy the energy demand.
Our transferable core competencies, pioneering technologies and large global presence make us the partner-of-choice for carbon-free offshore energy projects.
Deep Purple Pilot
Deep Purple™ Pilot
The Deep Purple Pilot will develop an unique and integrated energy system of offshore hydrogen production in combination with wind. Together with a strong consortium of partners, the Deep Purple Pilot will be developed, constructed and tested. The pilot will include electrolyzer, hydrogen storage, fuel cells and an energy control system.
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