Global experts delivering tunnels in some of the world’s most complex environments
Whether it is through hard rock in the mountains of Albania, or by carefully navigating around London Underground’s extensive Tube system for Crossrail in the UK, DASHPROJECT’s team of tunneling specialists has been able to turn customers’ visionary concepts into reality.
Market leadership
We have delivered some 250 miles (400 kilometers) of tunnels for infrastructure projects including city development, rail, airports and roads; water conveyance systems for cities and industrial needs; oil & gas projects; and power projects. In addition, we have delivered 24 water intake structures that transport 55,750 cubic feet (1,579 cubic meters) per second—more than 25 million gallons per minute, as well as project managed or directly procured 31 tunnel boring machines.
- Bored tunnels in hard rock or soft ground
- Tunnel boring machines
- Sprayed concrete lining (SCL or NATM)
- Segmental lining
- Drill and blast tunnel excavation
- Cut and cover tunnels
- Shaft sinking in soft ground or rock
- Tunnel refurbishment
- Ground engineering and settlement mitigation
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